Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine have been used for thousands of years to treat a wide diversity of medical conditions. The World Health Organization (WHO) published a list of diseases and conditions effectively treated by acupuncture in controlled clinical trials.
At Health On Point, I treat a variety of conditions but specialize in:
Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine have been used for thousands of years to treat a wide diversity of medical conditions. The World Health Organization (WHO) published a list of diseases and conditions effectively treated by acupuncture in controlled clinical trials.
At Health On Point, I treat a variety of conditions but specialize in:
Success Story
A rare gem: At Health On Point, you will receive an individually designed treatment plan that reflects a high level of expertise as well as an open and expanded heart. Rachel works seamlessly and it is a joy to be treated. I recommend the clinic highly. My care has been transformative. – Nancy F.
Success Story
“A rare gem: At Health On Point, you will receive an individually designed treatment plan that reflects a high level of expertise as well as an open and expanded heart. Rachel works seamlessly and it is a joy to be treated. I recommend the clinic highly. My care has been transformative.” – Nancy F.